
Terhills Cablepark, registered under company number BE 0535.642.809, hereby grants you access to www.terhillscablepark.be and publishes texts, images and other materials here for your information.

Terhills Cablepark thereby reserves the right at any time to modify the content of the website or remove components without prior notice.

Limited liability

Terhills Cablepark makes every effort to keep the content of the website as current and complete as possible. Despite this care, it is possible that the content is incomplete and/or incorrect.

The materials offered on the website are provided without warranty of any kind or claim of accuracy. These materials may be changed at any time without prior notice from Terhills Cablepark.

In particular, all prices on the website are subject to typographical and programming errors. No liability is accepted for the consequences of such errors. No agreement is concluded on the basis of such errors.


All intellectual property rights pertaining to the content of this website belong to Terhills Cablepark.

The contents of this website are protected by copyright and may not be used without the express permission of Terhills Cablepark, unless otherwise indicated with specific materials.


This disclaimer is subject to change from time to time. Visitors to the website are advised to check this page regularly for any changes.